Spending Cap

HJR 75
Vote Yes
Free Market
Property Rights
Personal Responsibility
Individual Liberty
Limited Government

Spending Cap

Sponsor: Rep. Eric Burlison, District 133

This constitutional amendment, if approved by voters, would limit state general revenue appropriations to the amount of appropriations made in the previous fiscal year increased by an inflationary growth factor. In any fiscal year where net general revenue collections exceed total state general revenue appropriations by more than one percent of total general revenue appropriations, the excess over one percent will be transferred to the newly created cash operating reserve fund to be used to reduce all state income tax rates. The amendment provides procedures for appropriating revenues in excess of the appropriation limitation and restoring certain expenditures of the state or any of its agencies when no other funds are available in cases of emergency.

The Missouri Alliance for Freedom supports this resolution because it imposes spending limits and requires the government to save money for the future. This supports our mission of limiting the size of government and growing economic liberty.

This joint resolution was passed out of the House and the Senate Appropriations committee, unfortunately it was too late in session for the proposal to make it through the Senate.

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Free Market

Property Rights

Personal Responsibility

Individual Liberty

Limited Government