Sales Tax Increase
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Sales Tax Increase
Sponsor: Rep. Dave Hinson, District 119
This joint resolution, would put before the voters, the option of increasing the state sales tax by 3/4 percent for ten years to directly fund transportation and infrastructure in the State. This joint resolution passed the House, but was opposed by conservatives who do not believe in growing the government and raising taxes. This resolution has passed from the Senate Transportation Committee and is now waiting to come to the Senate floor for debate. When the resolution does come to the Senate floor it is likely to face strong opposition from conservative Senators who do not believe raising taxes is the best way to fund transportation.
The Missouri Alliance for Freedom opposes this tax increase because it grows the size of government while taking away individual economic liberty. This violates our mission and principle beliefs.
This joint resolution passed both the House and the Senate. It is now slated to be on the ballot in August for voters to decide.